Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Mason Ho and Sheldon Paishon have their priorities straight. While most of the world is focused on chasing the almighty dollar, competing in pointless competitions to get to the top of a ladder they don’t really want to be climbing, and doing what society says we should do, Ho and Paishon are just focused on having a good time as much as they can. It makes sense, if you think about it — all sorts of cliches exist surrounding that notion — and they’re very good at doing it. No one gets out of this life alive; you can’t take money with you; time flies whether you’re having fun or not, etcetera… we all know we should be filling out time with things we truly enjoy, but it’s a rarity to find people who really do. And what Ho and Paishon enjoy at the moment is party waves at Makaha on their …Lost 1996 Round Nose fishes.


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