Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Spearfishing with a sling is infinitely more difficult than spearfishing with a speargun. As Mark Healey says, “shooting a three-prong is like shooting a traditional bow compared to a compound bow hunting.” But, as you would expect from a world champion spearfisher, Healey’s got it dialed. Still, shooting a GT this size with a sling is a huge accomplishment for him.

In his most recent Strike Mission video, he breaks down what it takes to find one and shoot one. He knows where they’re likely to be, when they’re likely to be there, and how he can properly sneak up to the edge of their stomping grounds. Even more than that, he knows not to scramble out of there as fast as he can after harvesting one.

Those are all things that Mark has learned through years of experience, so it’s nice to have him break it down in such an easy way.

Learn to push yourself, keep calm, and manage fear in heavy surf with Mark Healey’s Guide to Heavy Water.


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