Lucas Chianca makes even this look (relatively) easy. Photo: Gigantes De Nazaré // YouTube

The thing that makes Lucas ‘Chumbo’ Chianca the king of Nazaré isn’t that he can ride the tallest waves in the world, although he does do that. What makes Chumbo the master of the world’s biggest beach break is the way he surfs them.
It’s not a knock on any of the other hard-charging Nazaré regulars out there, but, time and time again, Chianca’s just on another level. When many even veteran big-wave surfers feel like they’re just trying to hold on and survive at Nazare, Chumbo’s out there ripping. He’s one of the few people who can take ride a building-sized wall of water and still seem playful.
If you’ve ever seen him surf, you probably already knew all this. However, in case you needed a reminder, Gigantes de Nazaré just posted a Chumbo highlight reel for your viewing pleasure.