Co-owner of Extreme Athletics

Physioball scorpions:

Start in a push up position with your feet on the physioball. Make sure to engage your core by drawing your navel to your spine and keeping your hips even with your shoulders.

Activate your glutes by lifting your leg off the ball while bending at the knee. Rotate at the hips, taking the bent leg across your body towards the opposite hand.

Rotate back to neutral and switch legs. You should try to rotate as far as you can while maintaining control. In other words, if you’re consistently losing balance on the ball, try shortening the range of motion of your leg. As you get more proficient you can take your leg all the way to the ground.

*This will develop core strength and stability in the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex for hard turns with more consistent results.

Physioball Scorpions.

Physioball Scorpions.

Reaching opposites on a physioball:

Balance in a quadrupled position (both hands and knees on the physioball) keeping your core tight by bringing your belly button to your spine and squeezing your glutes.

Slowly reach one arm out in front and the opposite leg back behind you. Again, be sure you’re keeping everything as tight as possible.

Bring your arm and leg back to the ball and repeat on the opposite side.

*This will continue to build stability in the L-P-H complex with an added challenge for your balance and proprioception.

Reaching opposites.

Reaching Opposites.


The next aspect to work on is muscular endurance and functional strength. Strength training can scare away surfers, but functional strength training can take your surfing to the next level if it’s done right. We are not bodybuilders so we don’t want to train like one: one set of bench press and waiting two minutes before we do another – doing bench press at all is not for us. What we want to develop is lasting strength for harder turns, to be able to hold our lines and eventually use that strength in more difficult power movements. Here are three exercises that will do just that.

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