Editor’s Note: #LogDaze is a series featuring some of the world’s most radical longboard visuals. The sixth in the series is Sunshine Coast photographer, Kane Brown.
Friends, smiles, sun, ocean, salt, and all of the best knee-high walls, ready to hang ten little toes over. Well, that’s what we hope for, anyway. Surf photography has plenty to offer and always will. There’s never a dull moment. The sense of freedom I feel when stepping into the ocean – with all thoughts pushed aside and trying to capture something that catches your eye – are the moments I live for. Even those days when you don’t score you’ll always come in feeling refreshed. I guess it’s just a bonus when you do score. Here’s a collection of photos taken at the fabled points around the Sunshine Coast of Australia.
See more of Kane’s work at KaneBrownPhoto.com or follow him on Instagram:@kanebrownphoto.