Sustainable Farmer/Surfer

Editor’s Note: These pieces are intended to offer a deeper look into each episode of surfer Fergal Smith‘s Line9 series, Growing, a new clip published every two weeks. The series is a year in the life of Smith and his brother With a new clip published every two weeks, the series follows them as they take a step back from the rat race while spending days tending to a sustainable garden and surfing the readily available Irish slab.

Author’s Note: My main reason for doing this series is for showing the what else I’m passionate about — aside from surfing — and to try to promote all the good, positive things that people are doing. 

When Kevin and I were up home over Christmas, we called to see our good friend Wille. Willie was one of scout leaders when Kev and I were in the scouts. We have shared in some great times and memories and it was cool to see how he is getting on these days.

He has been building sustainable homes for years now and I am sorry to say I had not even been out to see his own house. So it was a great reason to go see his place and show people how a sustainable house can look. We all have great dreams on how we would like to set up our home with our own trees and vegetables, etc., but to actually go see somebody with a working setup is an inspiration. Of course it takes lots of work, but the benefits far out way the effort involved.

There is not much else to say about this clip, I just hope people see how possible being sustainable can be. We often think it takes loads of time and we can’t fit it into our “busy” lives, but every little step really does helps. Every tree you plant helps. That’s the message I got from seeing Willie’s place, and I hope others do to. We have to start thinking of not just ourselves but for children coming after us; that to me is why it’s so important. We could all say we are too busy and planting trees or vegetables is not our priority, but if we don’t try to leave the place in which we live a better place then what’s the point?

I could surf all day every day for the rest of my days which would be good fun, but those waves are past and they won’t help anyone after we are gone. Even if we just plant a few trees a year it is a positive difference for the future. Thank you Willie for showing us around, and keep up the great work.

To see more of what other building projects Willie Mac has worked on, visit his site at



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