Laura Enever had been roasting in the sun for a solid two hours – fully suited up in three millimeters of heat-retaining neoprene – on the rocks by the Oceanside Pier. She was patiently entertaining interviews for Ford, the automobile company, as they were hosting the Super Girl Pro, and they like to pile on the athlete obligations. She had one more. Us.
We hid from the sun beneath the Pier, and we wanted to get heady, the way we do, for our HEADSPACE series. Ms. Enever obliged. We’ve long respected Laura as a young woman with a clear vision for style and aesthetics as well as a unique savvy for how to best present herself in the hard, unforgiving gaze of the public eye. She’s done an immaculate job negotiating the challenges associated with being a gorgeous young talent – saying no to the wrong projects, and aggressively taking the initiative to produce and manage the right ones. Take control, eh! We like that.
So here, beneath the Pier and away from the sun, Laura shares her thoughts on sex appeal in women’s surfing, her definition of true love, and, of course, the key to happiness. Meet Laura Enever.