Lakey Peterson | Zero to 100 | 2 Minute Teaser from LIEBER VISION on Vimeo.
The groundbreaking film Zero to 100 chronicles the rise of Lakey Peterson, an ASP World Tour surfer and 2012 US Open Champion. Saturday, April 20th marks the international release of the film as well as a premiere in Huntington Beach with proceeds from the evening benefiting the Hyundai Cancer Institute at CHOC Children’s. The official screening of Zero to 100 will begin at 6:45pm at Century Theaters, with music performances by Hindu Pirates and Antoine Allain. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased ahead of time at TicketBud.com. The film has been accepted at multiple festivals internationally and begins touring publicly in May. Details on dates can be found on the film’s official webpage. Zero to 100 will be available on iTunes and DVD on April 20th.