Laird Hamilton puts his body through the wringer on a day-to-day basis. He trains hard every day. In his own words, he “trains for the earth“, meaning that he’s not training to get bigger, he’s training to be able to do more things that he likes to do. And what Laird likes to do is push his limits to the absolute brink. Of course, he’s not exactly a young man anymore–52, to be exact–and as bodies will do, Laird’s bore the brunt of years of punishment. That’s why, a few days ago, the tow-in pioneer underwent surgery to replace his hip.
According to his Instagram post, Laird stayed awake throughout the procedure and had the whole thing filmed. “Stayed awake the whole time,” the post said. “Just ask Doctor Oz, who had a crew there filming.”
Hamilton’s already looking forward to his rehab–which will be intensive, if his previous training regime is an indicator. Best wishes to Laird on a speedy recovery!