It’s all relative when it comes to labeling any particular session at any particular wave “XL” and “XXL.” A 20-foot day at Nazaré probably isn’t going to pack the cliff with a crowd in their big wave viewing down jackets. But send a few waves in let’s say, the 15-foot range to, let’s say, La Nord, and you’re looking at something entirely different.
Last week, Europe got pummeled with great surf and over the weekend, Hossegor’s finest were greeted with a realization that even their step-ups weren’t going to get the trick done at La Nord. While the beach break is no stranger to incredible overhead days and thick barrels, it’s always impressive to be reminded that the right sandbar can handle this kind of size. According to local videographer David Berthet, the combo of this swell plus its considerable size brought no guarantee that the famed beach wouldn’t turn into a maxed-out mess.
“We are relieved following these past two storms that the sand bank hasn’t been destroyed,” he says. “On the contrary it’s perfectly in place.”
A good portion of the lineup this day was out on legitimate big wave guns and it looks like they needed every bit of that foam to keep up. The beauty of it all, of course, is that this kind of set up won’t last forever. Days like this look and feel special and at least around Hossegor, they’ll be looking back on it and telling stories about that time La Nord went XXL.