When the wave at the mouth of the Waimea River forms, it draws a crowd. Spectators and surfers alike line the banks watching as the river runs into the famous bay. Surfers like Jamie O’Brien are frequenters of the wave, but he’s far from the only one. Whether the sun is shining or the moon is glowing, those crowds are still there — as proven by Koa Smith in the video you see above.
Koa headed down to Waimea Bay when the sun was still out. A massive northwest swell was filling in, but with it came a whole lot of wind. It was part of the storm system that dumped enormous amounts of rain on the Hawaiian Islands, and all that rain had to go somewhere. As the old saying goes, “all rivers lead to the sea”, and the Waimea River is no different. Before night fell and the nighttime river wave session went down, Koa caught a few wild and bumpy waves at Eddie’s Bay.