Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

If you follow along with Koa Rothman’s vlog, This Is Livin’, then you’re likely aware he’s been complaining about a pain in his neck for a long time now. As it turned out, spinal surgery was necessary to fix the issue.

The issue, as he explained a while back, is a herniated disc at the base of his neck. “You have vertebrae in your spine,” he said. “C5 is a vertebrae and C6 is a vertebrae. In between every vertebrae, there’s this little squishy disc of cartilage that allows your body to move and function however you move. What happened to me is that I actually herniated one of those discs.”

Years of putting his body on the line for something he loves has taken its toll, and despite the fact that he was leery about getting surgery, he decided to take the doctor’s advice and do it.

The surgery will take him out of the water for quite some time, we suspect, but a necessary procedure. In the episode above, the second installment of his road to recovery, Koa actually undergoes the surgery. Best wishes on a speedy recovery, Koa!

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