Koa Rothman followed up Deadamns with a trip to Cape Solander. Photo: Koa Rothman // YouTube

Koa Rothman embarked on the second leg of his most recent Australian journey with a trip south of Sydney to Cape Solander, also known as Ours. The day before, the YouTuber had his board literally shredded to pieces at Deadmans, so Solander’s razor sharp rocks and treacherous slab still proved to be a welcome respite. “That Deadmans sesh, it was not that good of a session,” Koa explained. “The wave is just impossible to read. I like what we had today a lot better.”
However, the positive experience was marred by one odd interaction in the water that made him briefly opine on surf culture’s attitudes towards publicizing breaks. In the lineup at Ours, Rothman was approached by a viewer who didn’t appreciate that the YouTuber had filmed a previous episode at the Indonesian surf break known as Supersucks. The interloper’s rationale was that the video would bring unwanted attention to the spot, but, as Koa pointed out to the viewer, “I surfed with 100 people and 80 cameras.”
“Some people’s logic is just so backwards,” he went on. For instance, back at Deadmans, Rothman and company encountered a hand-drawn sign telling him to not film at the wave. However, as Rothman once again pointed out, “There’s 100 cameras there, Channel 9 news is there, their local station, drones are everywhere. Clips are all over Instagram. Everyone knows where that wave is and they want to single me out.”
He went on to describe how he thinks locals could better handle the situation when YouTubers visit their (already highly publicized) breaks. Check it out in the video below.