Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

You know those days where you know it’s going to be good somewhere, but you’re not sure where it’s going to be best? They can be stressful. Bouncing from spot to spot, never really staying long enough to properly suss things out, constantly worrying that you might’ve just left the “best” spot to look for something better. Well, that happens in Fiji too, but the “best” in this case is likely a little bit better than the waves you’re looking at.

Koa Rothman and Biller Kemper were on Tavarua recently, and they was looking at some very good waves. Restaurants was bombing. The tide was a little too high for Cloudbreak in the morning, so they waited it out. It must be nice to know that if the Cloudbreak plan doesn’t work out, your fallback wave is Restaurants. And especially nice to know that you’re likely going to score both.


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