Chase your dreams, whether they are swells or something else. Photo: Nakoa Decoite

This video is for all of you out there that have been told you will never be good enough. Whether in the water or in life, a lot of us have been ignored or laughed at for pursuing our dreams. I started surfing at 15 years old. I quit at 16 because I wasnʻt any good. Then at 17 I told myself I wanted to be a professional surfer. The 5 years that followed I would be ignored by tons of companies, laughed at when people asked me what I was doing with my life. and told time and time again about how I should pursue a “real” job.
Long story short, dreams do come true. They come true with hard work, sacrifice, sweat, and dedication. This video is my way of giving back to people that might be feeling unmotivated or uninspired. Work hard and never give up on your dreams no matter how impossible they might seem.
“When the world says give up, hope whispers one more try.”
If you want to stay up to date with me on my journey subscribe to my youtube account or follow me on instagram (@nakoad).
Get more tips and tricks on the best ways to stay in shape and maximize your surf performance over at Nakoa’s YouTube page.