Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Well, the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach event is officially underway. And after all the chatter, all the rumors, all the innuendo about Kelly Slater maybe/maybe not competing in Australia, he’s there. Despite a Covid positive test a few days after standing on stage at the Oscar’s and a pile of vaccine questions, the 11-time world champion hit the water for the third heat of the opening round.

He came up against Owen Wright and Nat Young, both contenders to be reckoned with, and while it wasn’t classic big Bells, it was entertaining. In the end, Slater wasn’t able to take the heat win, but he wasn’t kicked into the elimination round, either. Owen Wright took the number one spot, Slater hit the middle, and Nat Young took third place.

The forecast for the rest of the event is promising, so keep an eye on the rest of the event on Worldsurfleague.com.


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