Ke Iki Beach is home to one of the heaviest shorebreaks in the world. Sitting on the famous North Shore of Oahu, those powerful open ocean swells that light up the 7 Mile Miracle hit Ke Iki’s steep drop off and stand straight up with some serious width in them before detonating on the sand.
“Ke Iki Beach is the heaviest shorebreak I have experienced,” one of the Skid Kids wrote on YouTube. “If you happen to be in Hawaii on a day where a large North swell is building, I would recommend keeping a very safe distance from this shoreline. You will likely spectate the largest waves you have seen explode with thunderous energy right on the shore of the beach.”
Add in the fact that there are rocky coral heads hiding beneath those waves and you’ve got a place that can be extraordinarily dangerous. And that, of course, is part of what makes it an attractive place for those looking to test their wave-riding mettle.
It’s a place Clark Little woke the rest of the world up to with his mind blowing images. We asked him about how he became a fixture of the place a few years back in a video series called Creators.
In the video you see here, Garrett Abdulla, Blair Conklin, and Max Bourne grabbed their skimboards and gave it their best shot.