“There are no coincidences…everything is as it’s meant to be, and if you accept that, you can get through everything.”
You should be so lucky as to spend a morning with Kassia Meador. For one, she’ll probably make you tea. She’ll also be honest with you, and it’s that disarming, heart-on-your-sleeve kind of sincerity that quickly wins friends and respect. It’s rare to sit down with a beautiful woman who lives within twelve miles of Hollywood (or really any human being) who is so open, secure, and thoughtfully opinionated as Kassia is. She has a clear point of view. And if you ask politely, she’s an open book.
She might invoke ideas like prostitution, Puritan values, and human desire when discussing sex appeal in surfing. Or the inherent subjectivity and flawed logic of judging an art form like surfing. Or the idea that coincidence doesn’t exist, and there is only now – and nothing else.
I’ve done a lot of interviews in the last seven years, and I can tell you without any doubt, that this is one of my favorites.
Welcome to Kassia’s house in Santa Monica. Be a good guest. – Zach

Kassia Meador portrait by Dane Peterson