All smiles thanks to this helmet. Photo: IG//A New Earth Project

Kai Lenny is now a valid standing endorsement for using helmets in waves of consequence. While competing in the SUP division of the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout on Thursday, Lenny endured a spill on a medium-sized wave that sent him to the beach with a cracked helmet and eventually to the hospital.
“First time wearing a helmet at Pipeline and it may have saved my life,” Lenny said early Friday. “I don’t remember much except that it was during my heat in the #DaHuiBackdoorShootout and the lifeguards sat me down in a chair at the Beach Park. I have a solid concussion and some bleeding out of my left ear. All should be fine, just need some time.”
The whole ordeal didn’t look to be all that serious from the broadcast on Thursday. One minute Lenny was in the water with competitors circling the lineup, the next he was in a prone position calmly paddling to the beach. The wipeout itself wasn’t shown until after Lenny was seen walking on the sand under his own power (1:59 in the video below). At the time, the broadcast pointed out that Lenny wasn’t going to compete in both the SUP and shortboard divisions of the Shootout. It seems they might have assumed he’d come to the beach because of some confusion with that scenario – most likely unaware of how bad the situation was. Thankfully, Lenny’s helmet took the brunt of the beating.
More details to come.