Kai Lenny is often the focus of many a grouchy surfer’s comment-section ire. He’s flashy. He doesn’t wear an all-black wetsuit, he gleefully hydrofoils and wings his way around lineups, he uses winches and Jet Skis, surfs wave pools, and straps his feet to his surfboards when necessary.
He doesn’t care about the grouchy surfer’s ire, which only fans the flames. Lenny just continues on as he does, surfing the biggest waves better than anyone else, trying new things, and generally being ahead of the leading edge of surfing’s leading edge.
Lenny, as you’ve likely noticed, is a big believer in the saying “practice makes perfect.” That’s notoriously hard in surfing, since practice requires repetition, and no two waves are exactly alike — in the ocean, anyway. A little less so in a pool, and the whole push-a-button-get-a-wave thing helps.
And all that practice is paying off in spades, as evidenced by his latest YouTube offering. “With enough speed,” he titled it, “anything is possible.” Lenny’s focus as of late has been aerial surfing. He looks a bit more like a snowboarder on a wave than anyone else, and he’s likely paving the way for whatever surfing looks like in the future.