Photo: Jeremy Bishop//Unsplash.

Tomorrow, June 18 is International Surfing Day, carrying on a tradition that was started by the Surfrider Foundation in 2005. Last year, it was all about the sport of surfing’s Olympic debut, and the theme for this year is “The Beach Belongs to Everyone,” building on the recent focus of inclusivity and sharing the stoke that has been building in the surf community. Here are a few things you can do to participate in International Surfing Day 2022:
1. Go surfing with a smile on your face.
It’s easy to get sucked into the aggressive, “get off my wave, kook” mindset when you’re out in the water, especially on a Saturday during the summer. Rather than letting loose that sigh of exasperation as you check the (likely crowded) waves at your local break, plaster on a smile and remember that surfing doesn’t have to be about how awesome of a wave you can get. Call a grom onto the wave in front of you, wait your turn instead of jostling for position, and spread the stoke. You’ll likely have a more satisfying surf that way, too.

Beach cleanup in Baja California. Photo: WILDCOAST.
2. Participate in an ISD event near you.
Beach cleanups and inclusive group surfs will be going on all over the U.S. and the world. Check your local Surfrider chapter’s event page, or check in with local nonprofit surf organizations which may also be organizing local paddle-outs. If you’re in the Bay Area, the City Surf Project will be in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, Stairway 17 to celebrate International Surfing Day. The waves will probably be less than epic, as they often are this time of year, but without a doubt the stoke will be high.
3. Organize your own group surf.
If there’s nothing happening in your neck of the woods, get some friends together and get in the water! The focus this year is on inclusivity, so invite that friend who has always said they’ve wanted to surf but hasn’t tried, or make a buddy in the water! It’s also not a bad time to do the environment a service, too. As a group, try getting to the water a different way, like carpooling or riding bikes. Organize your own beach cleanup, or just pick up some trash on your way to the water. Every little bit counts, and if you make a habit of any of these small actions it could make a real impact.
4. Show your support with an ISD T-shirt.
Check out Surfrider’s International Surfing Day collection, where you can purchase ISD 2022 swag, or sign up for a yearly Surfrider membership, where all the proceeds go directly to supporting Surfrider’s mission of clean oceans and access for everyone.

The 2020 Unity Paddle Out in Encinitas. Photo: Dylan Graves//YouTube Screenshot.
5. Donate to an organization working to expand access to surfing.
There are so many awesome organizations out there doing the tough but necessary work to make our world a better place. With ISD 2022’s focus on inclusivity in surfing, consider donating to an organization dedicated to getting more people out there. Off the top of my head, San Francisco’s City Surf Project comes to mind (check out their annual surf-a-thon), Un Mar de Colores in Southern California is another, as well as Textured Waves, Changing Tides, and so many more. Did we miss your favorite surf equity organization? Let us know and get out there tomorrow!