Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Selfies are all the rage right now. They’re very important, so it’s not surprising. All of your followers truly ARE interested in you. They’re not just liking things in hopes that you, in turn, will like their thing back, giving both of you that much-needed validation that serves you so well in real life. Everyone on your feed actually IS desperate to read a quote that you found written by someone else. They actually ARE interested in your latte. They really DO think you’re just so OMG I CAN’T EVEN. All that said, there can be good selfies, but it takes work.

Take Josh Mulcoy’s selfie above, for example. Mulcoy, who you have seen beneath numerous curtains of both the cold and warm variety, took it upon himself to scrap the cameraman for his latest edit, entitled Bike Trip. Using something called Soloshot, a little gadget that makes friends unnecessary, he filmed himself from a bunch of different angles on a totally empty beach.

Bike Trip final from Josh Mulcoy on Vimeo.


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