Surf edits these days are often a little rough. It’s a race for the creators to post, and since the preferred method of consuming surf content these days is on Youtube or a 15-second clip on Instagram, it makes sense. But the John John Florence camp does things a little differently. Everything JJF puts out there is of the highest quality, whether it’s a full-length film or a 6-minute video on Youtube. It’s not just that his surfing is so good, either. It’s likely that nearly every session he surfs is recorded, and he surfs a lot. They also use some of the best equipment in the world, and it shows.
While the last week or so has mostly been dominated by the Black Friday swell, John’s latest YouTube offering isn’t chock full of giant waves. It’s very likely he surfed that sneaky swell, but the video above consists mostly of smaller waves. It it, he’s riding the White Tiger and Red Tiger models, which suit the conditions perfectly. John, along with brother Ivan, Eli Olsen, Barron Mama, and Makana Pang, paddled out into fun little waves on the North Shore over the course of two days and proceeded to suck every last drop of fun out of those little waves that they possibly could.