John John Florence is likely sitting on a hell of a lot of unseen footage. That’ll happen when you spend the majority of your life chasing waves with a camera crew in tow. It’s part and parcel for John, though — you can’t be a pro surfer these days without footage to give to the masses. Edit bays are places where tough decisions are made. Sure, that one shot is amazing, but is it amazing enough? Does it fit in with the theme of whatever it is you’re going for? Sometimes not, and often those almost A-clips are left to gather dust on some hard drive somewhere. But John has found a place for them: a little series he calls “All the Other Stuff.”
It is, as the name implies, unseen footage he and his team have amassed over the years. And in typical JJF fashion, it’s beautifully shot, interesting to watch, and gives the viewer a look at a few moments behind the scenes. This particular episode comes from Australia, a place near and dear to John’s heart.
“Grateful for these extended trips around Australia,” he wrote. “I was stoked to have my brother and a couple friends jump in for different parts of the trip. There is so much to explore down here, it’s one leg of the tour where we almost never have down days.”