No matter what anyone says, surfing for a living is not a job. Sure, it might hit all the technical marks–it’s a money-maker, you have to do it, etc–but it’s not a job. It’s just a pastime that a few lucky souls get paid to do. Then, of course, there are the ones who don’t necessarily get paid enough to live, but still surf like they do.
“Jobless is a visual representation of the paradoxical fine line that divides professional surfing and amateur surfing at elite levels i.e, surfing to live or living to surf,” reads the description of the video above. “Shot over the 2015/ 2016 Puerto Rican winter, Jobless is a showcase of the passion, commitment, and enthusiasm we share for the sport of surfing regardless of status. Our film features the best local talent along with a few notable New York surfers.”
And there are a lot of surfers: Leif Engstrom, Balaram Stack, Dylan Graves, Brian Toth, Quincy Davis, Mauro Diaz, Bryan Laide, Rolando Montes, Marley Puglielli, Alejandro Moreda, Alejo Marin, Alex Fawess, Tj Gumiela, Will Skudin, Eric Geiselman, Hector Santamaria, Carlos Cabrero, and Darren Muschett.