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The Inertia

In case you missed this viral mess, two men recently posted video online of them cutting the tail off a shark and then releasing it back into the water. Multiple outlets have reported that the men caught the shark in their nets near Greenland and that the shark is a Greenland shark, harmless to humans (there were also conflicting reports that the shark was caught near Iceland). The fish can be seen bleeding profusely as the men laugh at its fate.

The video caught fire and the fishermen were reportedly let go, or their contracts were terminated. The scene caused a social media uproar and actor Jason Momoa was quick to weigh in on the sickening video: “And there you are……it sucks to see that you are probably good men friends providers fathers (sic) but you fucking did this. Your life will forever change I have never in my life seen something so cruel. Your laugh makes me furious never have I wanted to hurt a human as much as I did when I heard your laugh and what u said. This will change you and hopefully you will save and protect I pray you find redemption. we all make mistakes but what u did was evil PURE EVIL. You will get what that shark got. FUCK YOU j”

Momoa posted another video clip denouncing the exploit that was seen by more than three million people. The owners of the boat the men worked for also released a statement distancing themselves from the incident, calling it a “horrendous act.”


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