Jamie O’Brien celebrating his win at the 2004 Pipe Masters. Photo: Jamie O’Brien // Instagram

The 2024 Pipe Masters was only given the go-ahead yesterday, but a controversy is already brewing around the event. The announcement didn’t contain an official competition roster (just a list of Vans athletes to be included). But professional surfers have taken to social media to bemoan the fact that Jamie O’Brien was relegated to an alternate slot.
O’Brien has been a fixture at the wave his entire life. He grew up right in front of Pipeline, has earned a spot in its notoriously competitive lineup, and his exploits there are a focal point of his popular YouTube channel. He also has a longstanding relationship with the Pipe Masters itself, having won the event in 2004, when he was just 21 years old. Despite those bonafides, he seems to have found himself left off of the main roster for the competition.
The internet brouhaha surrounding that fact was kicked off by Pipeline specialist Josh Moniz, who wrote a lengthy Instagram caption summarizing his disappointment with the Pipe Masters. After explaining his personal relationship with the event, from growing up watching it to eventually competing himself, he went on to describe how he believed Vans had eroded its credibility, ever since it was removed from the CT schedule and turned into a standalone event in 2022.
“It’s shocking to see how, in such a short time, Vans has nearly ruined what it means to be a Pipeline Master,” Moniz wrote. “The way this event has been handled in recent years, since Vans bought the rights to it, feels disrespectful to one of the most iconic waves and events in the history of surfing — right here at OUR home in Hawaii. Excluding a significant number of local and international surfers who have put in the time year after year to earn their spot in the lineup doesn’t sit right with me.
“When I heard that JAMIE was given an ALTERNATE spot in the event, that’s when I felt something had to be said,” he continued. “How can you leave out arguably the greatest Pipeline surfer of all time? To suggest that he doesn’t deserve a spot in an event he has helped define is baffling to me. Many surfers who have barely surfed Pipe have been given spots over the years, which feels like a slap in the face to the locals and internationals who show up season after season without ever being invited.”
Dozens of professional surfers took to the comments to second Moniz’s sentiment, including Kelly Slater, who simply wrote “Amen.”
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A few hours later, Jamie O’Brien weighed in on his own Instagram. “Growing up, I was told to ‘let your surfing do the talking,’ but I guess that’s not enough anymore,” he wrote. “For nearly 30 years, I’ve dedicated myself to Pipeline-winning every event, building my dream home here, and making Pipeline my life.
“Last week, I realized I didn’t get a Pipe Masters invite. When I asked why, I was told I’m ‘too old’ and ‘didn’t make the cut.’ Instead, I’m on the ‘alternate list’ with a ‘don’t worry, you’ll probably get in.’
“Looking at the current invite list, it’s not only me that should be on there. There are so many other surfers who didn’t receive their invites and they deserve to be on that list.
“I want to shoutout Josh Moniz for also speaking up, but mention that people like Josh, Kalani Chapman, Torrey Meister, Lucas Godfrey, Eli Olson, Tyler Newton, Bruce Irons, Reef McIntosh, Landon Mcnamara, Mikey Bruno, Flynn Novak, Joey Johnston, Mark Healey (just to name a few) should without question be in this event. We’ve spent years, putting in the time, the hours, and the dedication at this wave.
“To say I’m upset and disrespected is an understatement. It’s sad to see such a prestigious event being run by kooks who clearly don’t understand the reality of the lineup at Pipeline.”
Editor’s Note: We reached out to Vans for a response but have yet to hear back.