Senior Editor

The Inertia

Happy Town: The Surf Suit from open sky pictures on Vimeo.

There’s not a lot of surfing in Alberta, Canada’s wheat-iest province. For good reason, too. There’s no ocean, for one. There are, however, rivers and hot tubs and wave pools at the West Edmonton Mall. For those of you who don’t know, West Ed might be the world’s funnest place. There are bars beside GoKarts, a ridiculously fun roller coaster that is almost sure to make you throw up. There’s a giant wave pool that you can (try to) surf in.

But because it’s not a really surfy province, people from Alberta – purveyor of only the finest Alberta Genuine Draft, Alberta Pure vodka (clean, clear, Alberta!), the Grande Praire Inn (in which I threw up in a urinal) and their beloved Oilers (they’re playing the Canucks tonight, and they will lose) – have come up with some pretty interesting solutions.

And yes, I am Canadian.


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