It’s true, actually. The dreaded nightmares of moving from one place to another can haunt the average human. Especially when you’re like me – a choosy fella when it comes to your domicile. That’s the sanctuary. The de facto “happy place,” if you will. Lucky for me (or not), my apartment move-out date was scheduled on the exact date I received the Sanuk Brumeister Mesh sandals for a product review at The Inertia. Everyone called me crazy for moving couches and dining tables in sandals, but screw them. I didn’t have a choice.
To compound things, I not only had to move my own apartment, I also had to move the apartment owned by the two gals with whom I would soon be sharing a living space. Unfortunately, this meant the heavy lifting got delegated to yours truly.
Drenched in sweat from the Southern California heat, the girls stuck to packing up boxes while I muscled my way up and down stairs, mostly on my own, with TVs, couches, desks, and overly-packed boxes. I assumed a slip and fall was in my near future, but I gripped my way up and down a flight of stairs, twenty five times actually, with out a problem.
The Brumiester’s not only held together, but they also made sure I didn’t have any aches or pains in the bottom of my feet by night’s end. While the girlfriend managed to acquire some serious leg pains throughout the move, I lounged nonchalantly on our mattress and slept like a king.
A few days later after we wrapped up the move, I channeled my inner Aussie and hit the streets in my thongs, gathered my mates for a quick pint, and managed to meander the 1.8-mile journey back to my apartment after last call. (Not kidding, these sandals actually put up with me for that long).
I wasn’t sure how a pair of sandals would weather an entire shuffling of two apartments and a night on the town, but they managed. The beer cozy bounce in the sole might have helped, or the top mesh on my upper foot.
Either way, Sanuk’s new Brumeister Mesh Sandals got me through hell week and firmly planted in my new happy place. So, if you’re in need of some foot muffins, you can check out Sanuk’s website for more info. They retail at $45. Added bonus: Anyone need a mover? I’m available.

Torrey Meister is down with the cause, too. Maybe he could have helped me move in some sandals? Photo: Sanuk
Editor’s Note: This post is sponsored by our friends at Sanuk.