Todd Elder. He's in there somewhere. Photo: Nick Denny

Colin was up next. Buck came running down excited to give it a go and catch a few bombs. As soon as he jumped on the ski, the wind picked up a few more notches and the rain came down even harder. This was probably the worst conditions I have ever been in for driving a ski, but we couldn’t leave. The waves were just that amazing. At this point, the eye of the storm was less than 100 miles from where we were, and about three hours from impact on the NJ coast. We hunted down a few crazy bombs for Colin, and Buck was stoked.
We beached the ski as it was getting dark and loaded it on the trailer. We were so excited that we didn’t even feel the cold anymore. Back at the house, we cracked a few coldies and took a look at a few of the images his roommate had captured from the session. Beer has never tasted so good in all my life. When we saw the first few photos, we all started laughing. Puerto just came to the east coast.
The next morning, we really first started taking in how much destruction Sandy had brought. There were new inlets, houses were down, and debris was everywhere. Again we noticed something really strange with the wild life and all the birds migrating from the storm. We surfed, we laughed, and we made memories that we will share with each other when we are old men. That’s what it’s all about: Having fun with your boys.
As for the destruction from the storm, everyone can do their part. The Outer Banks of NC have been hit hard and they definitely could use your help. The NY and north NJ areas have been hit the worst, and these people need help. It’s time to act. Lend a hand, donate whatever you can, and find it in your heart to do whatever it takes.
Check out wavesforwater to see how you can make a difference.