You are thirsty. It is almost Summer. So, so close to being summer. In fact, it’s almost Cinco de Mayo, and while the Big 5 conjures all sorts of scintillating images, smells, and tastes, tequila is inarguably one of the most alluring. And finishing a session off with a delicious tequila drink with your buds is a heaven-sent event that reminds you, “Hey, life is gooooood. Salud!” With that in mind, we teamed up with Kassia Meador and Jose Cuervo Tradicional (the good stuff), to give you a simple, delicious (and actually-kinda-healthy) recipe for the ultimate tequila drink. Here’s what you need:
– Turmeric
– Cucumber
– Pineapple
– Apple
– Cayenne Powder
– A Juicer
– Smiles, friends/no friends, thirst, to be over the age of 21 in the United States of America
And, boom, not only are you no longer thirsty, but you’re the most popular addition to any crew. Because this tastes good.

This is going to be good. Believe that.

And this is all you need to make it: Apple, Cucumber, Turmeric, Pineapple (+ Cuervo Tradicional).