Senior Editor

The Inertia

Great friends are pretty hard to come by – not just a normal friend, mind you. A friend that will pull into a barrel behind you and get smoked just so you can get a view of your own ass pulling into it. It’s that kind of selflessness that really tugs on the ol’ heartstrings, doesn’t it?

Sometimes when I fall on a wave and get held down for a little longer than I’m comfortable with, I sing a little tune in my head. It’s the theme song from Duck Tales, which is kind of odd, but it makes me feel a little better. “Duck Tales!” I sing to myself while I’m tumbling around trying to keep water out of my nose. “Ooo-ooo-OO,” I continue. “D-d-d-danger, watch behind you! There’s a stranger out to find you!”

If the guy holding the camera does that (which I hope he does), I’d wager dollars to donuts that he’s got Queen rolling through his brain. “You’re the best friend that I ever had,” he’d sing, gripping his GoPro and smiling to himself, bouncing off the reef. “I’ve been with you such a long time. You’re my sunshine. And I want you to know. That my feelings are true. I really love you. You’re my best friend.” And of course, the whole thing would be in slow-motion.

So next time you want to show your best friend that yes, he’s your best friend, don’t stand outside his window holding up a stereo playing Queen. That might be look weird. Prove your worth by getting annihilated.


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