There are a lot of waves on this Earth. Like, LOTS. Some are good, some are okay, and some are bad. And each of those waves can be varying degrees of good, okay, and bad, depending on the day. Even depending on your personal preference, really. So for a wave to be regarded by nearly everyone to be one of the best in the whole wide world… well, it’s got to be good. Really good. And Honolua Bay is really, really good. Especially on a day back in 2016.
“One of the best shaped days at Honolua Bay where everything came together,” wrote the man who filmed the footage you see above, Marcus Rodrigues. “The swell direction, wind, and tide made Honolua turn on for eight hours straight with firing right-hand barrels peeling with perfect sections across the whole bay from coconuts all the way to the Keiki bowl.”
See more from Marcus Rodrigues on YouTube.