Touted by many as one of the best forehand barrel riders in the world, Hobgood clinched one of many elite tour victories at Teahupoo in 2004. Photo: ASP | Kirstin Scholtz

Tell us about your new project. Who are you working with? What’s the philosophy behind it?
For the last six months, I have been working, not to land my next big pay day, but to partner with individuals that love to surf and want to get surfing back to how it all began. Like back before surf culture even existed. When the surfing lifestyle was just an utter devotion to the sea. The devotion was simple. When there was surf, they surfed, and when the surf was flat, they fished or they dove, and when the wind picked up, they sailed. The point is: these guys never got out of the water.
When they were in the water, they were living. Everything else was just waiting. Salty Crew is a brand built by a family of salty characters that truly lead this sort of lifestyle and that’s the lifestyle I have chosen to lead as well. We want to give back, S-alvaging A L-ifestyle for T-omorrow’s Y-outh. It’s not about making money, contacts, contracts or deals. It is about getting salty, and it’s for those who choose to stay salty.
My story is a small part of what Salty Crew represents, but at this point in my life, I think I know what I want. I want to SURF, FISH and SERVE! I want to stay salty. I want to be able to help out my fellow surfers when they’re in need in more ways than just saying I can relate. I want to be the salt of the earth. I want to inspire and help other surfers. I want to be a part of brands that protect the fabric of our industry and the core of the whole surfing experience. I want to help preserve all the salty characters that make up this family of surfers.
This is what I want, and I think all my experiences and what I have been through has prepared me for this.