The day started off slow and everyone took their time to get ready and go out to Jaws. When we showed up it was already sizable and pretty much pumping. Then the wind kicked in, aka “Maui Glass” (light wind) which threw in the gnarly factor. So we knew we’d be seeing late drops, bails, and a lot of carnage. Tom was one of the guys out that day that had the first hand experience of not making it over the ledge, thus claiming one of the best and worst free fall bails to date in my book. After that, Tom’s board broke and he came in. I asked Tom how that was and he said “not too bad actually, still got smoked though. Should’ve gave it an extra 5 paddles.” Then he was greeted by the boys up top on the cliff with a nice cold green bottle of Heineken to wash down all that saltwater. Of course, it’s good to see a fellow friend unscathed after that free fall.