Professional Surfer

The Inertia

This short film was inspired by my new career path in surfing. My entire life I have been a competitive surfer — that’s all I really knew how to do in terms of  a career in surfing. But over the past year, so many things have changed in my life… things which ultimately got me inspired to really tap back into why I loved to surf.

Basically, I started ordering a ton of different board shapes with crazy colors in an effort to really explore my happiness within surfing. Then things unfolded for me in a way I could never have dreamed of, so I hired my own videographer and went from there. This inspired me to get creative and really play around with the blank canvas I was given in making my own videos. It has been so much fun! My love for surfing grows immensely every time I pick a new board and make a new film.


This edit “Happy Days” was extra special to me being that it was filmed in Hawaii where I grew up and where my heart is. What I really want to focus on in my videos is inspiring others through being themselves and really tapping into what makes their heart sing.



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