
The Inertia

So it’s been what – five months since we last dropped something close to the shitty nature of this edit? I can’t even really tell you how much of a blur the last five months have been. Russell is god knows where in Texas right now, and I can’t even tell you the last time I spoke or saw his ugly mug. Rather than let the fun of this project go to waste, we decided to release this old footage. Yes it’s old. There’s no cool, trippy, acid-like transitions or effects. But who the hell cares? This day was one of the most fun days with some of the most fun people I’ve had the privilege of knowing. Expect more visual trips in the next episode when I finally get in touch with Russell and make sure he’s alive and well.

Mike Gleason.
Cheyne Magnusson.
Sam Hammer.

New short film coming June 2012


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