Harley Ingleby is a really, really good surfer. Back in 2009, he won his first ASP World Longboard Championship, but it’s not just longboards he’s good on. Like any really, really good surfer, Harley shreds on all manner of wave sliding crafts. Born in Coffs Harbour, NSW, he first stepped on a surfboard when he was 4-years-old. His dad made him a surfboard out of two broken shortboards. It was a 5’6 single fin, and for a 4-year-old, it was a longboard.
Since his father had a huge collection of surfboards, Harley grew up surfing pretty much everything. He competed in both longboard and shortboard events, but after highschool, he began to lean harder towards longboarding. He finished high school and moved straight into the Australian Longboard Circuit, quickly working his way up to the World Longboard Tour.
All that experience pays off when he’s in the water. In the clip above, Harley sneaks into a few deep Sumbawa tubes on a board that most wouldn’t think could fit in there–but Harley does it, and he does it with style.