Contributing Gear Editor

The Inertia

 Born into a family of surfers, Zal Costa has been a beach kid for as long as he can remember. When his brother, Kona, was born two years later, surfing became a full-blown family affair. To this day the brothers regularly surf, train, and even compete together. We caught up with the 14-year-old from the Big Island of Hawaii and asked about his top competition results over the years, where he surfs when he’s home, and what it’s like spending so much time in the water with his brother.

When did you first start competing?
My first contest that I remember was Uncle Shane’s Keiki Classic when I was six. I’ve competed so far in the Keiki Surf for the Earth, Keiki Classic, Waiuli Ocean Fest, HSA Big Island, HSA State Championships, Big Island Pro Am, Volcom’s Live Like Sion, NSSA, NSSA Regionals (in Hawaii and California), NSSA Nationals, Rip Curl Grom Search, Rip Curl National Finals, USA Surfing National Championships, and a few other contests in Brazil.

What have been some of your top results over the years?

Second in NSSA Nationals Menehune Explorer Division (2022), third in NSSA Nationals Open Boys (2023), third in the Rip Curl Grom Search National Finals (2021), and fourth in USA Surfing Open Boys National Championships (2023).

Do you have any contests that are your favorite?

My favorite contest growing up was Uncle Shane’s Keiki Classic at home. The whole community came out for that one –they had so many fun games and all the pros would come down and do an expression session in the middle of the day.

Kal Costa

Photo: Courtesy of Hurley

Where’s your home break?
I usually surf Banyans or Pine Trees every day. The waves are smaller and more challenging, but when it’s good you can get barreled pretty hard and there are some good air sections. I like that it can be grindy surf that makes you work harder and you can use that in contests when the waves aren’t the best.

What do you do when the waves go flat?
It has to be dead flat for us not to go out, but when that happens, we’ll fish, dive for lobster, paddle canoe, or prone paddle the bays.

Do you work with a coach or have a mentor?
Yeah, this past summer in California I started working with John Daniels at LTR Surf to make it through some tough heats at U.S. Champs. Uncle Brent Simpson helped me out at NSSA Nationals and I was psyched to be coached by him at his spot where he won the U.S. Open and surfs every day. That local knowledge comes in clutch.

When I’m at home, Sam Fenwick and Uncle Shane Dorian both help me out a lot. Uncle Shane, Jackson [Dorian], my brother Kona, and I will go and surf all day at some insane spots. Sam is one of the best surfers I know and he gives me advice, gets my confidence up, and teaches me like a mentor would.

What do you like to do when youre not surfing?
I like to fish and dive, play with my dogs, and box with my brother.

Kal Costa

Photo: Courtesy of Hurley

Do you have a favorite surfer?

Right now, my favorite surfer is Clay Marzo. I love his style and his content; his edits are nuts.

What does a typical week look like for you?
I wake up early and go surfing with Kona every morning. We surf for a few hours and then go home to do schoolwork and eat. In the afternoons we go back down to surf and train with Sam Fenwick.

Who do you usually surf with?

When I’m home my brother and I surf a lot with the uncles Sam Fenwick, Sheldon Cho, and Kris Formica. Then the local rippahs Uluboi and Christian Castro and then whenever Uncle Shane, Jackson [Dorian], or Brodi Sale are home.

Do you surf with your brother a lot?
Kona and I surf four to six hours a day, every day, together. He always pushes me to keep getting better. I see him always working on things I have down, and then as soon as he makes it I have to pull something better to stay ahead. We sometimes are in the same age division in contests which is fun when we get a heat together. He is always pushing to be better and that keeps me motivated too.

Do you have a bucket list surf destination?

Anywhere in Indo. I’ve watched so many edits and movies with so many insane waves.

What are your goals looking forward?

The rest of the year for me is going to be about surfing more every day, training, and doing some contests at home and in California to get some time in a jersey. Then when winter comes, I will be in good form for the North Shore. My long-term goals are making the WSL Championship Tour and winning a world title.


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