Indonesian surf trips can be so much more than just a romp through Bali or Sumatra. We’re talking about a chain of thousands of islands with a little more than 900 of them permanently inhabited. You have more than enough options. And whichever plot of land in the middle of the island chain you pick is probably going to offer up world class waves. One such place is a little resort known as Nemberala, on the southwest face of Rote.
Located in the most southern reaches of Indonesia, it faces any and every swell coming from the south and southwest. And since it’s not the most heavily visited part of Indo your chances of scoring world class waves in the midst of smaller crowds aren’t half bad. Here are five other reasons Nemberala should be on your radar right now.
1. Nemberala Left.

Photo: Waterways Travel
Some refer to this wave as T-Land, a play on its resemblance to Java’s G-Land. Truth is Nemberala Left isn’t a mirror image of that namesake, but who’s complaining? It’s a 400 yard long left with four separate take off zones. And it’s all right in front of the resort. Because nothing beats rolling out of bed in your trunks or bikini and getting right in the water when it’s firing.
Speaking of the resort…
2. You’re going to live the good life here.

Photo: Waterways Travel
The resort has an ocean view from the bar and restaurant area, meaning you can check that reeling left out front without leaving your place. Beyond that this is the nicest accommodation you’ll find in the area, with everything from poolside bar service to a resort spa. This is vacation, remember? Nobody says you have to rough it just because you’re on a surf trip.
3. Nemberala has boats. And those boats are for getting you into good waves.

Photo: Waterways Travel
Nothing says “this is a surf trip” like getting to a remote wave by boat. And odds are if you’re opting to access a quality wave by boat then getting there by other modes of transportation aren’t a favorable option. That typically translates to little to no competition in the lineup.
There are actually a plethora of waves nearby. Do’a, Boa, The Bommie and Suckies are just a few of them. Rights and lefts, hollow waves, not so hollow waves…all within as little as ten minutes by boat. The major perk for Nemberala’s guests is that the resort’s boats are reserved for surfers first. Lucky you.
4. You’re going to fish your little heart out.
When the boats aren’t being used for getting guests barreled there’s plenty of world class fishing in the area. The resort says that little commercial fishing in the area leaves them with an abundant source of fish for guests to chase, most commonly reeling in Spanish Mackerel, Trevalli, Wahoo, Dog Tooth Tuna, Yellow fin Tuna, Grouper, Sea Perch, Sailfish and Marlin.
5. It’s remote, but it’s not stuck in the dark ages.

Timor Nemberala Beach Resort. Photo: Waterways Travel
The people at Nemberala Beach Resort couldn’t sum it up much better: you can do anything except shopping and dining out here. That’s not a bad deal when one wants to get away. Aside from surfing and fishing they offer everything from mountain biking equipment to snorkeling gear. There’s a dedicated “games bungalow” and a yoga studio – all these things for the moments you’re actually surfed out. Because on any good surf trip you should be completely and utterly surfed out every once in a while.
But you also don’t have to cut yourself off from the opportunity to meet the locals and see how they live. In fact, you should never go somewhere without doing so. Island hopping trips to Donna, Do’o and N’Doa are a regular thing here, showcasing what each nearby island has to offer. And if you’re not island hopping you can join the resort’s kitchen staff on their weekly runs to the market. Here’s where you’ll meet the local farmers and merchants who come to town to sell their goods.
You’ll travel halfway across the world for waves but the people you meet are typically what you remember the most. Make the most of it.