The biggest upset in the sport’s history? A little melodramatic, no? This is Gabriel Medina we’re talking about here — a well-respected up-and-comer on the verge of realizing his equally-touted potential to become the first Brazilian world (shortboard) champion.
I’m in no way against him garnering attention for a potentially barrier-breaking feat. The first Brazilian world surfing champion (not including Phil Rajzman, who won the 2007 ASP World Longboarding Championships) would certainly alter surfing’s history and culture – possibly in unimaginably positive ways. I only feel that we are overselling the storyline and undermining what has been a rather defined (and welcome?) trajectory for Medina since he arrived on the WCT scene in 2011. I understand that people are passionate about these sorts of things. But appreciate it for what it is — don’t manufacture some profound narrative that transcends surf. Sure, there are many issues at play (regionalism, national pride/prejudices, etc.) but those are worthwhile conversations to have even without this exaggerated ascent.
Kelly Slater is not an evil king to dethrone. Medina is not an unknown with no support outside of his native Brazil.
Anyway, all that being said, I’m not here to piss all over everyone’s fun, so I suppose I’ll continue to give in and watch these edits. One thing’s for certain: ratings for Portugal ought to be higher than usual…