By now, you’ve likely at least heard about the Abu Dhabi wave pool. It was pretty hush hush for a while, but once a few surfers like Kelly Slater sampled its wares and deemed it good enough for public consumption, we had a flurry of edits hitting the internet. And now, Gabriel Medina has one, too.
The wave at Surf Abu Dhabi looks very similar to the Lemoore wave, only quite a bit bigger and longer. Located on Hudayriyat Island in Abu Dhabi, rumor has it that it will operate a little bit differently than the Surf Ranch. The public will be able to surf it, instead of forking out a fortune to surf in a private group. No matter your thoughts on wave pools, it’s hard to deny that the wave at Surf Ab Dhabi looks ridiculously fun.
For such a high profile figure in surf, we don’t see all that much footage from Gabriel. But it’s clear from the footage above that he’s got a LOT of gas in the tank, and he’ll be a threat on tour as long as he wants to be.