Gabriel Medina at the Tahiti Pro. Photo: Matt Dunbar//World Surf League

Gabriel Medina has never been short on haters. I’ve never been one of them. He’s one of my favorite surfers on tour. But as a guy who held onto a two-decade grudge against Tom Brady, I get how and why some fans stick to their guns, logic be damned. Part of being a fanatic about anything is that perception is used to fit whichever narrative keeps fueling your fire. I can also say as that same guy who despised Tom Brady for 20 years, that even the most annoying athletes are human beings who go through growth and change just like the rest of us. So when the Ugg model popped a few too many well-deserved bottles of champagne after winning his seventh ring, then hucked the Vince Lombardi trophy off a boat like he could afford to lose the thing at the bottom of the Hillsborough River (he could), I waived the white flag. The guy had me. It was too funny, too carefree, too human to root against a guy finally letting himself have fun.
I’d argue some of Medina’s longtime haters may one day look back at his season-ending loss to Jack Robinson as that same moment. Having narrowly missed his spot in next month’s WSL Finals, Medina shared some reflection with his fans on social media and the vulnerability is pretty striking.
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“It could have been one of the most important achievements of my life professionally speaking, but it wasn’t. And it ended up being the coolest trip I’ve ever taken in my LIFE,” he said. “Many, or most things will never be in our time. It was time to understand the process… to understand that sometimes we are part of other people’s process too. And this time I didn’t want to be selfish and think only of myself. What if…, but if I… , but… I did my best and prepared myself for this moment. This year was the one I trained the most physically in my career. So I leave with a clear head, and knowing that I gave it my all. Job done now I lost a spot here in Teahupo’o. But I’ve already received so many waves that changed my life in this exact place. For years. I have faith and I believe in God’s plans. It was supposed to be like this. Tomorrow is another day. Time to go home. Choices, learning and seeking to evolve more and more.”
Doesn’t sound like a cold-blooded competitor whose only pleasure in life is winning to me.