Photo: Courtesy of Josh Pomer

A Wedge To Remember screenings have been an amazing experience. And it isn’t over yet! Tonight (Monday, November 24) there is a free outdoor show at Deus (2318 Lincoln Boulevard) in Venice, Los Angeles. This will be the first outdoor screening. And there’s going to be a whole lot of giveaways. Everything gets started around 6 p.m., so make sure you’re there on time to experience the joy of surfing with your fellow surfers and pass the stoke!
Throughout these premieres, each venue has it’s own feel — and we don’t expect that to change tonight. We started in Newport Beach with the world premiere, and it was pure magic. The anticipation of wondering if surfers would like the movie to being in the middle of an explosion of shouting and excitement was the ultimate pay-off. The secon showing was in Encinitas, at historic La Paloma, where another sold out show played host to a screaming crowd, all excited and happy. Then we headed to San Diego, were we screened it in Balboa Park at the Veteran’s Museuam. They had never had a surf film before; it felt sacred to share the film at a space usually reserved for war relics. Honestly, it made surfing feel so insignificant compared to the ultimate sacrifice given by our soldiers. — it was a true honor to screen it there.
The next night was in Santa Barbara. That show was crazy! There was standing room only, and the crowd went so looney at the sight of those perfect Sandspit waves. Everyone was hooting and clapping at the end of each section, like it was the end of the entire movie. The film actually stopped playing half way through. When the lights came up temporarily, the room was filled with smoke and empty beer cans rolling down the isle — the crowd was anxious and I was nervous I was going to have a riot on my hands. But nobody left and ten long minutes later the movie was back on and the crowd was screaming again at each mega ride.
Up in Santa Cruz, my hometown, I was wondering if anyone would come because the whole movie takes place in Southern California. But the theater filled and they screamed just as much as any town. As did the Hermosa Beach Civic Center. Another packed theater, including the likes of Cheyne Magnusson and Allen Sarlo — Cheyne even stayed and joined me as we signed posters together for all the stoked groms! This was such a special screening because we had three different non-profits there all spreading awareness about saving the ocean from oil rigs that are trying to go up off the coasts of Hermosa. It’s truly an awesome feeling to see the strength surfers have in the political and environmental arena when they come together.
Author’s Note: Special thanks to the filmers, Shannon Marie Quirk, Keiko Beattie, Zach Weisberg and all the sponsors, as well as the theaters and venues where we screened the film. Additionally, we have to thank The Inertia, the Mauli Ola foundation, the Surfrider Foundation, Body Glove, Dive N Surf, Heal The Bay, and Save Hermosa. And finally, a big thank you to all the surfers who came out to the films and screamed their heads off for an hour!
Want to watch it from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you have a computer/smartphone)? A Wedge to Remember is now available on iTunes. To keep updated on any future screenings, Like A Wedge To Remember on Facebook. And be sure to follow them on Instagram.