“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln
Life is about a lot of things, and that means different things to different people. But one thing is certain for everyone: whatever life you’re living — or as Abraham Lincoln put it, “whatever you are” — in order to make the most of said life, you need to be present. After all, if you’re not present, then you’re not really living any life.
As Shane Stalling, Elli Thor Magnusson, and Dane Gaudauskas tell you in “The Chase,” by being present, you’re at the very least giving yourself a chance at something better, whether it be a version of life or yourself:
Honestly, we went to Iceland to catch big fish. It was that simple. We wanted to bask in the late Arctic sun while bringing a dreamy meter long Atlantic salmon to hand. We wanted to drink whiskey afterwards, go to bed and do it again everyday we could. What surprised us wasn’t our ability to check the aforementioned mission off the list, it was the insignificance that those goals held compared to what we ACTUALLY discovered. The Chase: a tiny film is an ode to the friendships and experiences shared while chasing our passions.
“It’s about being there, you know — on the river, in the ocean — and if you’re not there,” Magnusson continues, “you’re not getting the experience.”