We saw this particular swell on the charts more than a week before it arrived. Like most spring forecasts in New Jersey, we assumed the swell would dissipate and become another 3-foot south swell with nothing on offer except frustration. To our surprise, the buoy charts grew and the wind looked perfect. When the morning finally rolled around, our dream of spring perfection was upon us. Our first real swell of the spring season showed up big and it was a banger, to say the least.
The ocean suffered about an hour of morning sickness before cleaning up with a slight switch of the wind. With well overhead sets and barrel sections throwing left and right, the New Jersey surf crew enjoyed a 10-hour day of non-stop, throaty barrels. As the tide dropped out into the afternoon, there was fear of the swell losing size and shape, but fortunately it never happened. The waves powered through the entire day. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen an epic south swell like this in NJ, but hopefully it’s not too long until our next one.