When a south swell lights up the forecasting radars, all eyes turn to the Wedge. And as summertime in Southern California tends to do, a south swell of proper-Wedge proportions showed up on the maps. The Wedge, as you know, is a body surfing mecca—all that back-breaking power in one warping wave makes for a ride that can be found nowhere else. Boards be damned, the Wedge is a body surfing paradise. All too often, though, body surfers fall into the background as surfers and bodyboarders shove their way to the forefront. But on each and every swell, the body surfers are there, flinging themselves over the ledge with no regard for their necks, back, or limbs in general. And just in the interest of public engagement, there is a man on a surfboard and a man on an inflatable mattress to round things out. It is a show to end all shows, and on August 17th, 2018.
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