Ben Marcus: Where are you, right now?
Jack McCoy: Lovely downtown Burbank, at my brother’s house. Trying to pick up the vibe from Pixar across the street.
BM: I don’t mind Burbank. The streets are clean. What are you wearing?
JM: A Terry Chung surfboards t-shirt and the jeans I wore when the Mrs. and I went and met Paul McCartney. I have not taken them off for almost two years. Nah, just joking. I’ve got a pair of West Suits jeans on. That sounded funny when I finished writing that. West Suits Jeans? Huh.
Touring surf movies is grueling. Has it been grueling?
On one hand I feel like the luckiest guy in the world, being given the opportunity to show my film “A Deeper Shade of Blue” in proper big screen theaters with a 5.1 sound this coming March 28. I spent four years in an editing room with a big plasma TV working with the intention for the film to be seen in a theater. We went to the trouble to do a blow up and the Dolby sound mix just for a theatrical release. For a while there, it seemed that the film would not be picked up but a great guy who does a modern form of film distribution loved the film and took it on. As for touring, well the new form of distribution is to have it as a “Special Event Screening,” sort of like a musician comes to town for one night only, except we are screening in 400 cinemas around the country the same night, March 28.
Now to answer your question: The challenge is to get the word out there, and I’ve been in California for the past 10 days and I’ve been from LAX to the San Diego border to San Francisco, back to San Diego and tomorrow heading back to Santa Barbara. Basically going to as many surf shops personally to amp up the one-night screening. I’ve been (pardon the pun) a one-shot to let people know and I’d have about four hours sleep a night and then back on the road trip dancing to anyone and everyone I come across.
I’m going to look at the www.fathomevents.com site you sent me to get some idea of where you have been and where you are going?
I’ll stand by.
Wow, Paul McCartney?
Yep, Paul McCartney.
Sir Paul McCartney?
Yeah, but I’m pretty sure he just likes being called Paul.