Here’s a lecture your father never gave you: “Take that selfie-stick, and wield it like no other boy out there. You can go part the sea like Moses, but I don’t give a shit unless you get that selfie of your face while you do it, damnit! If I don’t see an Instagram of it – it didn’t happen!”
This video features two men who did receive that lecture. Watch these skilled selfie-stickmen log every second of their session – from the first wave to personal messages spoken at camera to their final blows. Hashtag happy.
Ultimately, they’re commitment to the selfie stick leads to their death. They’re forced to duel to the death after crossing sticks in a massive collision on a gigantic, barreling peak in Venice. Over half of the session is the greatest selfie stick fight ever caught on camera. This is the game of selfies. Uncensored.

Taking your selfie game to the next level…