Carlos Gauna runs the YouTube channel Malibu Artist. Using his drone, he’s documented hundreds, if not thousands, of great white sharks along the Southern California coast. He even participated in a study, which we reported on here, that humans were within proximity of great whites 97 percent of the time they were in the water. That’s significant.
But that’s also just part of playing in the ocean. The price we pay for fun. On rare occasions, that can turn dangerous, or even deadly. But most the time we don’t even notice.
I was, however, intrigued by Gauna’s footage of this surfer on a soft-top only feet from a great white shark. Pretty rad (if you’ve ever had a session out in front of the SanO nuclear plant, you know the feeling). They were just sitting there stalking one another. If you’re into this great white thing, definitely follow Gauna on Instagram or on his YouTube page.